RLStyle in Paris

The city blurs as we speed down streets lined with cracked brick, cobblestone, and local artisans. The lights of la tour Eiffel glow into the clouds that blanket the early evening sky. My daughter, Karina, searches for a glimpse of the tower as we drive and exclaims with excitement every time she spots a twinkle. When we hop out of the cab the smell of fresh baked goods and moldy cheese surround us. Karina plugs her nose and my husband chuckles. As we stroll down the sidewalk, the sound of honking horns and buzzing engines fade and are replaced by the jumble of French conversation. We all admire the windows that display cheese and couture and our mouths water as restaurant servers parade dishes that smell like garlic and butter. The bumpy Parisian streets wind as we continue to absorb this city… or as the city absorbs us.


1 thought on “RLStyle in Paris

  1. What a fun video and an awesome trip Rachel! Miss Karina is so grown up!!! Can’t wait to see all your fun fall fashions, surely inspired by your Parisan getaway! 🙂 Denise


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